No suelo poner palabras escritas a lo que la música me hace sentir por dentro, pero por una serie de circunstancias, digamos destino, aquí estoy escribiendo. Y nada menos que referente al disco de Placebo “Black Market Music”.
Placebo tal como describe el origen de su palabra,sustancia que es capaz de provocar un efecto positivo a ciertos individuos enfermos, si éstos no saben que están recibiendo un medicamento falso y que creen que es uno verdadero. Esto se denomina “efecto placebo” y es debido a causas psicológicas. En su momento me dio esta sensación , todo el mundo recuerda el” Without you I’m nothing”, que tiene un resplandor enorme, pero para mi fue muy especial Black Market music porque empezé a sentir esta música en mis adentros. Tengo que decir que he tenido una suerte terrible de crecer con una música increíble por circunstancias que mucha gente no tiene esa suerte, y yo, gracias a mis hermanas y a todo lo que me ha rodeado, esta música siempre ha estado en mí. Pero si tengo que explicar algo más es lo que las letras dicen para mi, me hacen ver una parte que hay veces sientes pero que no sabes explicar y que ciertos grupos consiguen mezclando música y letras, y para mi placebo es una de ellas.
Recuerdo cuando salió la primera canción que Chema Rey nos entregó en su progama de radio Boulevard, ahora no recuerdo bien si fue Days before You came o Taste in Men pero me pareció increíble, se que son bastante diferentes en cuanto a sonidos se refiere pero todas dos explotan en tu interior, chocando entre todas las células de tu cuerpo. Si empezamos con la 1ª canción la letra ya te cuenta que va sobre el estar enamorado todavía de la persona equivocada y cómo te gustaría que estuviera a tu lado en ciertos momentos. Con Days before you came tienes esa misma sensación pero con un sonido más estridente y hace que la vivas con más energía y esa ansiedad que entra cuando quieres que esa persona esté a tu lado, te puede hacer incluso llorar. Cambiamos la intesidad con Special K pero sigue siendo increíble, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Brian, él dijo: “Esta es una canción simple que básicamente compara el nerviosismo y la precipitación de enamorarse a primera vista con la sensación de meterse drogas. De esa manera utiliza la metáfora de las drogas para describir el enamorarse de los pies a la cabeza de alguien. Pero al igual que las drogas, todo lo que subes siempre tiene que bajar y esa es la moral de la historia.
Con Spite and Malice nos lleva a una mezcla entre el rap y su sonido junto con la voz de Brian Molko que es un instrumento más y lo mezcla con el rapero Justin Warfield (rapero de One Inch Punch) , este momento me encanta porque intenta hablar de todo la maldad que nos rodea, ese odio que muchos tienen hacia la homofobia y luego ellos sacan lo peor que tienen dentro, creo que es una canción increíble.
Seguimos con Passive Agressive que es una canción que supongo como muchas la puedes leer de muchas maneras y ahora la recuerdo que lo que me hacía sentir es cuando estas con alguien cercano que ves que va decayendo por momentos y te gustaría que una parte de ti estuviera con esa persona, sabiendo que ocupa un espacio en tu corazón y te da tanta rabia no poder llegar a hacerle ver que hay luz ahí y que no es todo negro. Referente a el sonido no es muy interesante pero la letra la completa totalmente.
Si hablo de Black Eyed hablo de mi misma, de que no se nunca hasta que punto puedo dar y como cambia en ti día tras día, de hasta que punto puedo confiar en mi, así que no puedo dar mas explicaciones, pero es una de las canciones que me hace pensar que me tengo que responsabilizar más de la cuenta con mis actos y mi manera de ver las cosas sin tener que culpar a nadie de lo que soy ni cómo me comporto.
Con Blue American me pasa que no me siento nada identificada, puede que sea la más floja del álbum, esa que siempre suena y tienes ganas de que se acaba o simplemente coges y la pasas y sigues con lo que viene, que no es poco para mi, Slave to the Wage,(esclavo de tu salario), una versión a su manera del Maggie’s Farm de Dylan, que hasta que no leí( como inculta musical que también soy supongo que se debe a que siempre lo he tenido fácil y ha estado al alcance de mi mano) no conocí a este hombre y tampoco es que me haya detenido a escucharlo como toca, todo llegará. Pues esta canción me dice mucho, referente a la vida que llevamos y si en su momento y me decía, que puedo hablar ahora mismo con los tiempos de vida que corren y su frenético va i ven. It’s a maze for rats to try, race for rats to die. Canción increible, que te hace pensar como vivimos y que sociedad creamos .
Con comercial for Levi es una canción que me da pena, y me da pena porque es una de las canciones que te hace sentir cuando no puedes hacer nada por una persona que va por un camino que tu no crees que es el adecuado y que le dices que la esta cagando y no te gusta verlo/a así, pero que no todo depende de ti, y hay veces que no funciona tus palabras porque ya se ha ido por otro camino. En cuanto a sonidos se refiere es una canción sencilla pero como ya dije antes las letras completan la parte que le falta.
Hemoglobine es una canción que me llena por el sonido pero que no llego a captar su letra, supongo que trata de drogas y lo que te hace sentir en un momento dado.
Narcoleptic nos habla de cuando ya ves que el amor se acaba, que ya no hay conexión y jode mucho, canción lenta que entristece cada vez que la escuchas aunque no me encuentre en ese momento .
Acabamos con Peeping Tom y nos habla de lo triste que es la vida para gente que sólo se dedica a mirar lo que hacen los demás sin más motivación que encontrar su propio camino.
En definitiva, un disco que empieza dando todo lo mejor en cuanto a guitarras y sonidos se refiere pero que a la vez termina como que no todo lo bueno dura y es limitado.
written words usually put what music makes me feel inside, but by a
series of circumstances , say destination , here I am writing . And none other than relating to Placebo album "Black Market Music " .
Placebo as described by the origin of the word , a substance that is capable of eliciting a positive effect on certain individuals sick, if they do not know they are getting a fake drug and who believe it is a real one . This is called "placebo effect" and is due to psychological causes. At the time I got this feeling , everyone remembers the "Without you I'm nothing" , which has a huge blaze , but for me it was very special Black Market music because I started to feel this music myself . I have to say I've had terrible luck to grow with amazing music by circumstances that many people are not so lucky , and I thank my sisters and all that surrounded me , this music has always been in me. But if I have to explain something more is what the letters said to me, I do see a part that sometimes feel but you can not explain and that certain groups get mixing music and lyrics , and my placebo is one of them .
I remember when the first song came Chema King gave us on your radio progam Boulevard, now can not remember if it was Days before You came or Taste in Men but I found amazing is that they are quite different in terms of sound generation but all two explode inside you, bumping into every cell of your body. If we start with the 1st song lyrics and tells you that go about being in love with the wrong person yet and how you like it to be by your side at times. Days before you came to have that same feeling but with a more strident and makes alive with more energy and anxiety that comes when you want that person to be by your side, you can make even mourn . We changed the intensity with Special K but still amazing , I totally agree with Brian , he said : " This is a simple song that basically compares the nervousness and precipitation falling in love at first sight with the feeling of getting drugs. That way you use the drug metaphor to describe the fall for the feet of someone's head . But like drugs, everything always go up must come down and that is the moral of the story.
With Spite and Malice leads to a mix between rap and sound along with Brian Molko 's voice is another instrument and mixes with rapper Justin Warfield ( rapper One Inch Punch ) , now I love it because trying to talk of all the evil that surrounds us, that hatred that many have towards homophobia and then they bring out the worst they have inside , I think it's a great song .
We continue with Passive Agressive is a song I guess like many you can read in many ways and now I remember what made me feel it when you're with someone close you see that is decaying at times and you would like a part of you was with that person , knowing that occupies a space in your heart and gives you so angry not being able to make him see that there is light there and it's not all black . Regarding the sound is not very interesting but totally complete lyrics .
If I talk about Black Eyed speak of myself , that there was never far I can give you as changes day by day, until I can trust my point , so I can not give more explanations, but is one of songs that makes me think that I have to hold over my actions have and my way of seeing things without blaming anyone for what I am and how I behave .
With Blue American it happens that I do not feel identified , it may be the weakest of the album , that it always sounds and you feel like you just or just grab and raisins and keep with what's coming, which is something to me, slave to the wage, (slave of your salary ), a version to your way of Maggie 's Farm for Dylan , that until I read ( as uneducated musical also 'm guessing it is because I've always been easy and has been available to my hand) I did not know this man and not that I have stopped to listen as he plays , it will come. For me this song speaks volumes concerning the life we lead and if at the time and told me that I can now talk with lifetimes frantic running and i will see. It's a maze for rats to try , race for rats to die . Amazing song , that makes you think society we live and create.
With commercial for Levi is a song that makes me sad , and I'm sad because it's one of those songs that makes you feel when you can not do anything for a person who is on a road that you do not think is right and to say that this shitting and do not like to see him / a well , but that all depends on you , and sometimes it does not work because your words have gone another way . As for sound generation is a simple song but as I said before lettering complete the missing part .
Hemoglobine is a song that fills me with sound but I fail to grasp your point , I guess it comes to drugs and what makes you feel at any given time .
Narcoleptic talks about when you see that love is just that there is no connection and fucks long , slow sad song every time you hear it but I do not find at the time.
We ended up with Peeping Tom and talks about how sad life is for people who only spend watching what others do without more motivation to find their own way.
In short , an album that starts giving you all the best in terms of guitars and sounds referred but both ends as all good not hard and is limited.
Placebo as described by the origin of the word , a substance that is capable of eliciting a positive effect on certain individuals sick, if they do not know they are getting a fake drug and who believe it is a real one . This is called "placebo effect" and is due to psychological causes. At the time I got this feeling , everyone remembers the "Without you I'm nothing" , which has a huge blaze , but for me it was very special Black Market music because I started to feel this music myself . I have to say I've had terrible luck to grow with amazing music by circumstances that many people are not so lucky , and I thank my sisters and all that surrounded me , this music has always been in me. But if I have to explain something more is what the letters said to me, I do see a part that sometimes feel but you can not explain and that certain groups get mixing music and lyrics , and my placebo is one of them .
I remember when the first song came Chema King gave us on your radio progam Boulevard, now can not remember if it was Days before You came or Taste in Men but I found amazing is that they are quite different in terms of sound generation but all two explode inside you, bumping into every cell of your body. If we start with the 1st song lyrics and tells you that go about being in love with the wrong person yet and how you like it to be by your side at times. Days before you came to have that same feeling but with a more strident and makes alive with more energy and anxiety that comes when you want that person to be by your side, you can make even mourn . We changed the intensity with Special K but still amazing , I totally agree with Brian , he said : " This is a simple song that basically compares the nervousness and precipitation falling in love at first sight with the feeling of getting drugs. That way you use the drug metaphor to describe the fall for the feet of someone's head . But like drugs, everything always go up must come down and that is the moral of the story.
With Spite and Malice leads to a mix between rap and sound along with Brian Molko 's voice is another instrument and mixes with rapper Justin Warfield ( rapper One Inch Punch ) , now I love it because trying to talk of all the evil that surrounds us, that hatred that many have towards homophobia and then they bring out the worst they have inside , I think it's a great song .
We continue with Passive Agressive is a song I guess like many you can read in many ways and now I remember what made me feel it when you're with someone close you see that is decaying at times and you would like a part of you was with that person , knowing that occupies a space in your heart and gives you so angry not being able to make him see that there is light there and it's not all black . Regarding the sound is not very interesting but totally complete lyrics .
If I talk about Black Eyed speak of myself , that there was never far I can give you as changes day by day, until I can trust my point , so I can not give more explanations, but is one of songs that makes me think that I have to hold over my actions have and my way of seeing things without blaming anyone for what I am and how I behave .
With Blue American it happens that I do not feel identified , it may be the weakest of the album , that it always sounds and you feel like you just or just grab and raisins and keep with what's coming, which is something to me, slave to the wage, (slave of your salary ), a version to your way of Maggie 's Farm for Dylan , that until I read ( as uneducated musical also 'm guessing it is because I've always been easy and has been available to my hand) I did not know this man and not that I have stopped to listen as he plays , it will come. For me this song speaks volumes concerning the life we lead and if at the time and told me that I can now talk with lifetimes frantic running and i will see. It's a maze for rats to try , race for rats to die . Amazing song , that makes you think society we live and create.
With commercial for Levi is a song that makes me sad , and I'm sad because it's one of those songs that makes you feel when you can not do anything for a person who is on a road that you do not think is right and to say that this shitting and do not like to see him / a well , but that all depends on you , and sometimes it does not work because your words have gone another way . As for sound generation is a simple song but as I said before lettering complete the missing part .
Hemoglobine is a song that fills me with sound but I fail to grasp your point , I guess it comes to drugs and what makes you feel at any given time .
Narcoleptic talks about when you see that love is just that there is no connection and fucks long , slow sad song every time you hear it but I do not find at the time.
We ended up with Peeping Tom and talks about how sad life is for people who only spend watching what others do without more motivation to find their own way.
In short , an album that starts giving you all the best in terms of guitars and sounds referred but both ends as all good not hard and is limited.
Puntuación *8/10