Volver a escuchar música de los finales de los años 80-90, es volver al grunge (o el sonido Seattle). Liderado este movimiento por guitarras fuertemente distorsionadas y contrastantes dinámicos en las canciones, mas una estética descuidada fueron el santo y seña para los "Big 4" de Seattle (Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam y Nirvana). Sin embargo, como las modas musicales tanto antes y después de ella, el movimiento murió en gran parte mas que nada en la estetica. A pesar de que tres de estas cuatro bandas siguen activas, mandan lejos la atención que antes tenian. En estos días el género vive todavia a través de pequeñas bandas que van surgiendo de vez en cuando de toda esa música que tanto aprecio y como en su dia dijeron en Jurasic Park, la naturaleza se abre paso como un simil para intentar comprender que la musica nunca muere, siempre intenta darse paso entremedio de otras modas. Una de estas bandas, el trío canadiense Metz, han elaborado una interpretación increíblemente pegadiza y muy ruidosa de grunge que mezcla algunas ideas nuevas con la mejor de las viejas ideologías.
Tan pronto como el disco comienza a girar, es evidente que el trío se va por todo lo alto. Desde la producción de la batería para un propósito de coalescencia de guitarra a un bajo para hacer que suene como un gran instrumento, a las intros, gritos, e interludios que utiliza la banda, el álbum hasta la última canción (es como un avión no tripulado de instrumentos ) tiene un espacio muerto muy corto de tiempo. Este supuesto caos es en su mayor parte esta bien controlado y no tiene demasiados casos de ruido sin sentido. Canciones como la clon de Nirvana "Wasted" y el single "Headache" son buenos ejemplos del caos controlado mencionado del álbum. Las voces son tan fuertes como los instrumentos y también estan un poco distorsionadas, y emiten una fuente de sensación de angustia como desprendia Nirvana. El cumplimiento estricto del Grunge ruidoso, y del ritmo rápido es a la vez el principal factor de dibujo del disco.
El guitarrista / cantante Alex Edkins, lei hace poco en una entrevista que la banda escribe todo en conjunto, y muy rara vez escriben por separado el material. Esto es bueno en el papel, pero el resultado es un álbum que suena muy similar por todas partes. Cada canción comienza con un ritmo de batería, ya sea simple o riff de guitarra y explosiones. Esta fórmula se hace evidente después de la tercera canción y Metz arroja cero concesiones. La mayoría de los problemas del álbum a mi parecer, es el hecho, que se derivan de poco originales en la composición de sus canciones y una aparente falta de ideas. El sonido en general es diferente y hay algunos riffs pegadizos y originales pero eso son atributos insuficientes para basar una banda que intenta innovar.
Metz definitivamente tienen la energía y el impulso para ser una buena banda "grunge/post-punk". Una de las primeras impresiones al escuchar el disco es lo increíble que suena como si fuera en directo. Pero la falta de diversidad, sin embargo es un factor preocupante que espero remedien con albumes posteriores. La composición de las canciones son pegadizas y la ejecución de estas son un buen sorteo para los aficionados de falta de morphina de tiempos pasados, por lo que estoy convencido que este album sera un trampolín hacia cosas más grandes y mejores. Mientras el nivel de energía sea tan alto, el cielo no es ningun límite.
Listen again to the music of the late 80-90, is to return to grunge (or Seattle sound). This movement led by heavily distorted guitars and dynamic contrasting songs, but neglected aesthetics were the watchword for the "Big 4" of Seattle (Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and Nirvana). However, as many musical trends before and after it, the movement largely died more than anything in the aesthetics. Although three of these four bands are still active, they send away the attention they once had. These days the genre still lives through small bands that arise from time to time so much music and so dear as once said in Jurassic Park, nature finds its way as a simile to try to understand that music never dies, always try to take step in between other fashions. One of these bands, the Canadian trio Metz, have developed an interpretation incredibly catchy and very noisy grunge that mixes some new ideas with the best of the old ideologies.
As soon as the disc starts spinning, it is evident that the trio is going all out. Since the production of the battery for a purpose of coalescence of a bass guitar to make it sound like a great tool, the intros, screams, and interludes that uses the band, the album until the last song (like a drone instrument) has a very short space of time dead. This course chaos is mostly is well controlled and not too often meaningless noise. Songs like Nirvana clone "Wasted" and the single "Headache" are good examples of controlled chaos mentioned the album. The vocals are as strong as the instruments and are a little distorted, and emit a source of anguish feeling disengaged Nirvana. Strict adherence to the Grunge noisy and fast pace is both the main drawing factor disk.
The guitarist / vocalist Alex Edkins, I read recently in an interview that the band writes all together, and rarely written material separately. This is good on paper, but the result is an album that sounds very similar everywhere. Each song starts with a drum beat, whether simple or guitar riff and explosions. This formula is evident after the third song and throws Metz zero concessions. Most of the problems of the album in my opinion, is the fact, derived from unoriginal in the composition of their songs and an apparent lack of ideas. The overall sound is different and there are some catchy riffs and original attributes but that are insufficient to support a band that tries to innovate. Metz definitely have the energy and drive to be a good band "grunge / post-punk". One of the first impressions to listen to the album is amazing what sounds like live. But the lack of diversity, but it is a worrying factor hopefully remedied with subsequent albums. The composition of the songs are catchy and enforcement of these are a good draw for fans of non-morphina of the past, so I believe that this album will be a springboard to bigger and better things. While the energy level is so high, the sky is no limit.
As soon as the disc starts spinning, it is evident that the trio is going all out. Since the production of the battery for a purpose of coalescence of a bass guitar to make it sound like a great tool, the intros, screams, and interludes that uses the band, the album until the last song (like a drone instrument) has a very short space of time dead. This course chaos is mostly is well controlled and not too often meaningless noise. Songs like Nirvana clone "Wasted" and the single "Headache" are good examples of controlled chaos mentioned the album. The vocals are as strong as the instruments and are a little distorted, and emit a source of anguish feeling disengaged Nirvana. Strict adherence to the Grunge noisy and fast pace is both the main drawing factor disk.
The guitarist / vocalist Alex Edkins, I read recently in an interview that the band writes all together, and rarely written material separately. This is good on paper, but the result is an album that sounds very similar everywhere. Each song starts with a drum beat, whether simple or guitar riff and explosions. This formula is evident after the third song and throws Metz zero concessions. Most of the problems of the album in my opinion, is the fact, derived from unoriginal in the composition of their songs and an apparent lack of ideas. The overall sound is different and there are some catchy riffs and original attributes but that are insufficient to support a band that tries to innovate. Metz definitely have the energy and drive to be a good band "grunge / post-punk". One of the first impressions to listen to the album is amazing what sounds like live. But the lack of diversity, but it is a worrying factor hopefully remedied with subsequent albums. The composition of the songs are catchy and enforcement of these are a good draw for fans of non-morphina of the past, so I believe that this album will be a springboard to bigger and better things. While the energy level is so high, the sky is no limit.
Puntuación *8,5/10