En mi modesta opinión el "Grunge" no nació exactamente en "Seattle" con el Fanzine o sello Sub Pop.Sino que nació en Springfield (Missouri) bajo el nombre de una banda joven llamada Sneak Preview era el año 1980.
Grabaron un solo álbum con este nombre los mismos tres miembros que aun forman este excelente Power-Trio,después se mudaron a Houston (Texas) y se cambiaron el nombre por KING'S X.
Alice In Chains por ejemplo le deben mucho a esta banda y ellos mismos lo reconocieron en entrevistas y se nota su influencia en canciones como "Grind".
Concentrándonos en este álbum y en esta banda lo que nos ofrecían era una especie de HARD-ROCK Y METAL PROGRESIVO fusionado con dulces melodías POP.buen ejemplo de ello son canciones como "The King" o "Shot Of Love".
Hay TEMAZOS (en mayusculas) como el primer corte del álbum "In The New Age" con una intro muy espacial.Pero "Goldilox" es el gran tema del álbum y uno de los mejores y mas conocidos de su carrera,con esas grandes melodias y coros POP marca de la casa,con ese gran solo de guitarra de Ty Tabor.
Otros grandes temas a destacar son "Sometime" y el impresionante "Visions" para terminar el disco.
El "Grunge" nació posiblemente gracias a esta Gran banda,lo que pasa es que como su cantante es de color pues mucha gente lo desconocía,como que el Rock And Roll lo crearon los negros también y el Soul y el Blues y el Funk.
In my humble opinion the "Grunge" was not born exactly in "Seattle" or seal the Sub Pop.Sino Fanzine born in Springfield (Missouri) under the name of a young band called Sneak Preview was 1980.
They recorded one album under this name the same three members that make up this excellent even Power-Trio, then moved to Houston (Texas) and changed the name to King's X.
Alice In Chains such owe much to this band and they recognized themselves in interviews and it shows its influence in songs like "Grind".
Focusing on this album and this band what we offered was a kind of hard-rock and progressive metal fused with sweet melodies POP.buen example are songs like "The King" or "Shot Of Love".
There TEMAZOS (uppercase) as the album's first single "In The New Age" with a very espacial.Pero intro "Goldilox" is the great theme of the album and one of the best-known of his career, with those great melodies POP and choirs house brand, with that great guitar solo Ty Tabor.
Other great songs to note are "Sometime" and the stunning "Visions" to finish the album.
The "Grunge" was born possibly thanks to this great band, what happens is that their singer is colored because many people do not know, like the Rock And Roll blacks created it and also Soul and Blues and Funk.
In my humble opinion the "Grunge" was not born exactly in "Seattle" or seal the Sub Pop.Sino Fanzine born in Springfield (Missouri) under the name of a young band called Sneak Preview was 1980.
They recorded one album under this name the same three members that make up this excellent even Power-Trio, then moved to Houston (Texas) and changed the name to King's X.
Alice In Chains such owe much to this band and they recognized themselves in interviews and it shows its influence in songs like "Grind".
Focusing on this album and this band what we offered was a kind of hard-rock and progressive metal fused with sweet melodies POP.buen example are songs like "The King" or "Shot Of Love".
There TEMAZOS (uppercase) as the album's first single "In The New Age" with a very espacial.Pero intro "Goldilox" is the great theme of the album and one of the best-known of his career, with those great melodies POP and choirs house brand, with that great guitar solo Ty Tabor.
Other great songs to note are "Sometime" and the stunning "Visions" to finish the album.
The "Grunge" was born possibly thanks to this great band, what happens is that their singer is colored because many people do not know, like the Rock And Roll blacks created it and also Soul and Blues and Funk.
Puntuación *8'5/10
Wax Ecstatic