La banda de Londres formada en 2010 fue aupada a las portadas de la prensa musical inglesa sin haber publicado siquiera su álbum de debut. Como les pasara a Artic Monkeys en su momento este deporte nacional ingles de lanzar al estrellato a bandas noveles es tremendamente peligroso para las bandas que sin apenas rodaje se enfrentan a un publico entregado, una parte y a un publico escéptico la otra parte.
Tras 4 discos y tras verlos en 3 giras diferentes puedo asegurar que los Monkeys son mejor banda ahora que cuando debutaron y que la ayuda de Homme les a ido de perillas.
La banda de Justin Young, Voz y guitarra, y de Freddie Cowan Guitarra solista y hermano menor de Tom de The Horrors, han corrido la misma suerte, se les encumbro con su disco de debut "what did you expect from The Vaccines?" un sobresaliente disco pero lejos de ser un disco que cambie los designios del rock aunque tampoco es que la banda lo busque.
Con un directo mucho mas curtido que los chicos de Artic monkeys y sobretodo mucha mas actitud y contundencia, se enfrentan al reto del segundo disco.
Aunque sean unos veinteañeros las influencias de la banda son un sueño para los lectores del Popu, Ramones, Phil spector, Beach boys etc… Que grupo actual nombra a Frankie Avalon? Tienen un humor totalmente Monty Phyton parece que se rían de todo y de todos. A sabiendas de que hicieran lo que hicieran iban a recibir palos por los mismos que los llevaron a los altares han hecho lo que les ha salido de las narices en su segundo trabajo.
Nos acusan de banda obsesionada con el pasado? Pues sonamos retro, pero frescos. Nos acusan de que somos jóvenes e inocentes? Llamamos al disco "Come of age" y portada con críos. Que esperan singles facilones e inmediatos como en el primer álbum? Se los damos, pero porque nos salen solos! aunque somos tan tracks que nos descolgamos con un tema como "Weirdo" y que se lo coman con patatas…
Podriamos buscar un productor ingles de moda? Llamamos al veterano Ethan johns mas cerca del country americano que del pop británico. Y se nota, Ethan los hace sonar a banda, suena a esos discos antiguos que se grababan casi en directo con los músicos codo con codo. Young sabe lo que neceesita cada canción susurra cuando hay que susurrar y se desgañita solo cuando es necesario. Por su parte Cowan sabe tocar la guitarra, parece simple pero hace años que nadie mete solos de guitarra en el IndiePop británico! y este chaval sabe crear Riffs majestuosos o simples pero que se te adhieren al cerebro de inmediato. Suenan a unos Kinks versión 2.0 o como serian los Ramones si hubieran nacido en Londres y en la actualidad. " I wish a was a Girl" es perfecta. Tan buena que no te cansas de escucharla… Ojala Tarantino la tenga en cuenta en el futuro!.
"Teenage Icon" es desde ya un himno el cual van a tener que tocar hasta el final de sus días.
Por fin un grupo ingles que ni suena a Joy division ni pretenden ser los nuevos Oasis… ellos son mas felices si alguien les dice que "No hope" es tan Bob Dylan que ojalá la hubiera escrito el.
Ecos a Roy Orbison guitarras deudoras de los Byrds y melodías sacadas de una mente gemela de Brian Wilson. Tienen un futuro enorme siempre y cuando dejen de lado a la terrible prensa musical inglesa.
Mas reales que The Drums, Mas sinceros que The Horrors, con las ideas mas claras que Artic Monkeys y con mas futuro que The Libertines…The Vaccines son de lo mejor que nos ofrece la pérfida Albion actualmente.
Public Enemy alla por los 80's nos advertían "Don't believe the hype!" pero por una vez y sin que sirva de precedente BELIEVE THE HYPE!.
The band formed in London in 2010 was lifted up to the front pages of the British music press without even published their debut album. As will happen to Arctic Monkeys at the time the English national sport of launching the careers of new bands is extremely dangerous to shoot bands that hardly face a devoted audience, one hand and a skeptical public the other party.After four albums and after seeing them in 3 different tours I can assure that the Monkeys are better now than when they debuted band and that helps them to come Homme knobs.Young Justin's band, vocal and guitar, and Lead Guitar Freddie Cowan and younger brother of Tom from The Horrors, have suffered the same fate, they were exalted with their debut album "what did you expect from The Vaccines?" an outstanding record but far from a disc to change the designs of the rock but not that the band look.With a much more direct tanned boys Arctic Monkeys and overall attitude and much more forcefully, they face the challenge of the second disc.Although they are a twentysomething band's influences are a dream for Popu readers, Ramones, Phil Spector, Beach Boys etc ... that the current group appoints Frankie Avalon? They totally Monty Python humor seems to be laughed at everything and everyone. Knowing that whatever they did would receive for the same club that led to the altar have done their noses has left in his second.They accuse us of band obsessed with the past? Well we sound retro, but fresh. They accuse us that we are young and innocent? We called the album "Come of Age" and cover with kids. Singles waiting facile and immediate as the first album? We give it, but because we leave them alone! but we are so we took down tracks with a song like "Weirdo" and eat it with potatoes ...We could find a producer English fashion? We called the veteran Ethan johns closer to the American country of Britpop. And it shows, Ethan makes a band sound, sounds like those old records that were recorded almost live with musicians alongside. Young knows what each song neceesita whispers when they are hoarse whisper and only when necessary. Meanwhile Cowan can play the guitar, looks simple but years ago nobody gets guitar solos on the British indiepop! and this kid knows how to create majestic or simple riffs but that you adhere to the brain immediately. Sounds like a Kinks version 2.0 or the Ramones would if they were born in London and now. "I wish to was a Girl" is perfect. So good that you get tired of hearing it ... Hopefully Tarantino's note in the future!."Teenage Icon" is already a song which will have to play until the end of his days.At last an English group that sounds like Joy Division or not intended to be the new Oasis ... they are happier if someone says "no hope" Bob Dylan is so that I wish I had written.Roy Orbison echoes of the Byrds debtor guitars and melodies drawn from a twin mind Brian Wilson. They have a great future as long as they put aside the terrible English music press.More real than The Drums, The Horrors Mas sincere with clearer ideas that Artic Monkeys and The Libertines further than ... The Vaccines are the best offered by the perfidious Albion today.Public Enemy back in the 80's they warned us "Do not believe the hype!" but for once without a precedent BELIEVE THE HYPE!.
"Teenage Icon" es desde ya un himno el cual van a tener que tocar hasta el final de sus días.
Por fin un grupo ingles que ni suena a Joy division ni pretenden ser los nuevos Oasis… ellos son mas felices si alguien les dice que "No hope" es tan Bob Dylan que ojalá la hubiera escrito el.
Ecos a Roy Orbison guitarras deudoras de los Byrds y melodías sacadas de una mente gemela de Brian Wilson. Tienen un futuro enorme siempre y cuando dejen de lado a la terrible prensa musical inglesa.
Mas reales que The Drums, Mas sinceros que The Horrors, con las ideas mas claras que Artic Monkeys y con mas futuro que The Libertines…The Vaccines son de lo mejor que nos ofrece la pérfida Albion actualmente.
Public Enemy alla por los 80's nos advertían "Don't believe the hype!" pero por una vez y sin que sirva de precedente BELIEVE THE HYPE!.
The band formed in London in 2010 was lifted up to the front pages of the British music press without even published their debut album. As will happen to Arctic Monkeys at the time the English national sport of launching the careers of new bands is extremely dangerous to shoot bands that hardly face a devoted audience, one hand and a skeptical public the other party.After four albums and after seeing them in 3 different tours I can assure that the Monkeys are better now than when they debuted band and that helps them to come Homme knobs.Young Justin's band, vocal and guitar, and Lead Guitar Freddie Cowan and younger brother of Tom from The Horrors, have suffered the same fate, they were exalted with their debut album "what did you expect from The Vaccines?" an outstanding record but far from a disc to change the designs of the rock but not that the band look.With a much more direct tanned boys Arctic Monkeys and overall attitude and much more forcefully, they face the challenge of the second disc.Although they are a twentysomething band's influences are a dream for Popu readers, Ramones, Phil Spector, Beach Boys etc ... that the current group appoints Frankie Avalon? They totally Monty Python humor seems to be laughed at everything and everyone. Knowing that whatever they did would receive for the same club that led to the altar have done their noses has left in his second.They accuse us of band obsessed with the past? Well we sound retro, but fresh. They accuse us that we are young and innocent? We called the album "Come of Age" and cover with kids. Singles waiting facile and immediate as the first album? We give it, but because we leave them alone! but we are so we took down tracks with a song like "Weirdo" and eat it with potatoes ...We could find a producer English fashion? We called the veteran Ethan johns closer to the American country of Britpop. And it shows, Ethan makes a band sound, sounds like those old records that were recorded almost live with musicians alongside. Young knows what each song neceesita whispers when they are hoarse whisper and only when necessary. Meanwhile Cowan can play the guitar, looks simple but years ago nobody gets guitar solos on the British indiepop! and this kid knows how to create majestic or simple riffs but that you adhere to the brain immediately. Sounds like a Kinks version 2.0 or the Ramones would if they were born in London and now. "I wish to was a Girl" is perfect. So good that you get tired of hearing it ... Hopefully Tarantino's note in the future!."Teenage Icon" is already a song which will have to play until the end of his days.At last an English group that sounds like Joy Division or not intended to be the new Oasis ... they are happier if someone says "no hope" Bob Dylan is so that I wish I had written.Roy Orbison echoes of the Byrds debtor guitars and melodies drawn from a twin mind Brian Wilson. They have a great future as long as they put aside the terrible English music press.More real than The Drums, The Horrors Mas sincere with clearer ideas that Artic Monkeys and The Libertines further than ... The Vaccines are the best offered by the perfidious Albion today.Public Enemy back in the 80's they warned us "Do not believe the hype!" but for once without a precedent BELIEVE THE HYPE!.
Puntuación *8/10