"THE 2nd LAW"
Hoy tengo la necesidad imperiosa de comentar el último disco de Muse "The 2nd Law", quien no quiera leer duras verdades que no siga leyendome y cambie de canal, porque voy a destripar a cuchillo a la banda mas pretenciosa del panorama actual junto con Coldplay, pero hablar de Coldplay ahora es harina de otro costal, ya le dedicare una entrada en futuras ediciones.
¿Cual ha sido mi sensación después de escuchar "The 2nd Law"? pues muy fácil, que el trío se acaba de reír de mí en toda la cara y además creen que soy estúpido, ya esta bien de reírle las gracias al grupo Británico, solo les pido que por una vez se dediquen a buscar su propio estilo y encuentren su personalidad musical.
No me vale que las influencias sobrepasen las creaciones y se apropien de un producto que en verdad no es el suyo y es algo que Muse llevan haciendo desde que salieron a escena con su disco "Showbiz" del año '99. Por aquel entonces ya se les criticó que su sonido era muy parecido al de Radiohead, sobretodo la voz de Bellamy era muy parecida a la de Thom Yorke, torearon la critica diciendo que tanto el cantante de Radiohead como él estaban indudablemente influenciados por Jeff Buckley!! POR FAVOR!! el día que Matthew Bellamy solo se acerque a un milímetro de la calidad que poseía Jeff Buckley su vida habrá servido para algo en este mundo, hasta entonces lo único que hizo fue fijarse y apropiarse de un modelo de éxito, de un grupo que vendía millones de discos por todo el planeta con el "OK Computer" y él quiso hacer lo mismo.
Más de una década después del "Showbiz" nos llega el "The 2nd Law" y volvemos al punto de partida pero con una vuelta más de tuerca, ya no vale seguir los pasos de Radiohead es un sonido que ya se a vendido mucho durante una década y no es rentable, ahora lo que es interesante es dejarse influenciar por sonidos ochenteros. Bueno vale, hasta aquí puedo llegar a comprender y ser consecuente si quieren tener un sonido de la década de los '80, a mi personalmente me gusta ese sonido New Wave que muchas bandas plasman como estilo y referencia, lo que no se puede hacer es lo que han hecho ellos, apropiarse sin tener ningún tipo de escrúpulos ni vergüenza del sonido de INXS llegando a la mas burda imitación de guitarras y tonos de voz del malogrado Michael Hutchence, un claro ejemplo es el tema "panic station" que no sé si es exactamente una tomadura de pelo o un homenaje a Hutchence. El caso es que si solo se hubiera acabado la broma con "panic station" incluso podría haberlo entendido como un guiño a esa época, pero desde mi punto de vista si lo que quieres es homenajear algo o que se te note alguna influencia hazlo discretamente y no hagas un disco integro haciendo lo mismo porque eso ya no es homenaje ni guiño ni es nada, eso es ser un parásito como una tenia intestinal que solo se aprovecha del prójimo!!.
Grupo pretencioso, sobrevalorado y con menos personalidad de todo el circulo musical británico y parte del extranjero, haceros un sano favor y forjaros un estilo, encerraros dentro de en una sala de ensaño y buscarlo, gente como yo os lo agradecerá sé que tenéis mas de lo que aparentáis y lo estáis desaprovechando. Os voy a poner un 5 en la nota solo por haberme hecho recordar a INXS lo único positivo de todo esto.
Today I have the urge to comment on Muse's latest album "The 2nd Law", who did not want to read hard truths and not continue reading me change the channel, because I will disembowel the band knife more pretentious the current scene with Coldplay But speaking of Coldplay now is another matter, and I will devote an entry in future editions.What was my feeling after listening to "The 2nd Law"? So easy, that the trio just laugh at me in the face and they believe I'm stupid, it's okay to smile at him thank the British group, just ask them for once engaged to find their own style and find their musical personality.I'd better not exceed influences creations and own a product that is not really yours and is something that Muse have been doing since they left the scene with his album "Showbiz", built in '99. At that time they were criticized because their sound was very similar to Radiohead, especially Bellamy's voice was very similar to that of Thom Yorke, notched up the review by saying that both Radiohead singer as he was undoubtedly influenced by Jeff Buckley! ! PLEASE! Matthew Bellamy on only one millimeter closer to the quality that Jeff Buckley had his life will have been for something in this world, until then all he did was set and appropriate a successful model of a group that sold millions disk around the planet with the "OK Computer" and he wanted to do the same.More than a decade after the "Showbiz" comes the "The 2nd Law" and return to the starting point but one more turn of the screw, and not worth following in the footsteps of Radiohead is a sound that already has sold a lot during a decade and is not profitable, now what is interesting is being influenced by eighties sounds. Well okay, so far I can get to understand and be consistent if you want to have a sound of the early '80s, I personally like that sound that many bands New Wave style and reflected as reference, what can not be done is what they have done them appropriating without any scruples or shame the sound of INXS coming to the most crude imitation of guitars and vocal tones of the late Michael Hutchence, a clear example is the song "Panic Station" I do not know if is just a tease or a tribute to Hutchence. The fact is that if only the joke was over with "panic station" might even have understood as a nod to that time, but from my point of view if you want to honor something or you do notice any influence discreetly Complete disc do not do the same because that's not homage or nod or anything, it is to be a like a tapeworm intestinal parasite that only takes advantage of others!.Group pretentious, overrated and less personality around the circle and part of British music overseas yourselves a favor and forjaros healthy style, shut yourselves up in a room and look umbrage, people appreciate it as I know you have more than what are you aparentáis and wasting. I'll put a 5 in the note just for making me remember INXS only positive of this.
Puntuación *5/10
Grupo pretencioso, sobrevalorado y con menos personalidad de todo el circulo musical británico y parte del extranjero, haceros un sano favor y forjaros un estilo, encerraros dentro de en una sala de ensaño y buscarlo, gente como yo os lo agradecerá sé que tenéis mas de lo que aparentáis y lo estáis desaprovechando. Os voy a poner un 5 en la nota solo por haberme hecho recordar a INXS lo único positivo de todo esto.
Today I have the urge to comment on Muse's latest album "The 2nd Law", who did not want to read hard truths and not continue reading me change the channel, because I will disembowel the band knife more pretentious the current scene with Coldplay But speaking of Coldplay now is another matter, and I will devote an entry in future editions.What was my feeling after listening to "The 2nd Law"? So easy, that the trio just laugh at me in the face and they believe I'm stupid, it's okay to smile at him thank the British group, just ask them for once engaged to find their own style and find their musical personality.I'd better not exceed influences creations and own a product that is not really yours and is something that Muse have been doing since they left the scene with his album "Showbiz", built in '99. At that time they were criticized because their sound was very similar to Radiohead, especially Bellamy's voice was very similar to that of Thom Yorke, notched up the review by saying that both Radiohead singer as he was undoubtedly influenced by Jeff Buckley! ! PLEASE! Matthew Bellamy on only one millimeter closer to the quality that Jeff Buckley had his life will have been for something in this world, until then all he did was set and appropriate a successful model of a group that sold millions disk around the planet with the "OK Computer" and he wanted to do the same.More than a decade after the "Showbiz" comes the "The 2nd Law" and return to the starting point but one more turn of the screw, and not worth following in the footsteps of Radiohead is a sound that already has sold a lot during a decade and is not profitable, now what is interesting is being influenced by eighties sounds. Well okay, so far I can get to understand and be consistent if you want to have a sound of the early '80s, I personally like that sound that many bands New Wave style and reflected as reference, what can not be done is what they have done them appropriating without any scruples or shame the sound of INXS coming to the most crude imitation of guitars and vocal tones of the late Michael Hutchence, a clear example is the song "Panic Station" I do not know if is just a tease or a tribute to Hutchence. The fact is that if only the joke was over with "panic station" might even have understood as a nod to that time, but from my point of view if you want to honor something or you do notice any influence discreetly Complete disc do not do the same because that's not homage or nod or anything, it is to be a like a tapeworm intestinal parasite that only takes advantage of others!.Group pretentious, overrated and less personality around the circle and part of British music overseas yourselves a favor and forjaros healthy style, shut yourselves up in a room and look umbrage, people appreciate it as I know you have more than what are you aparentáis and wasting. I'll put a 5 in the note just for making me remember INXS only positive of this.
Puntuación *5/10