Lavish Habits
El álbum debut de Blackbird Blackbird, "Summer Heart" de 2010, fue una obra no muy distante de estos tiempos, como un lavado de relax de ritmos lánguidos y melancólicos pop con nuves de ensueño. Con todo, "Summer Heart" no fue un mal debut, pero también tenía un tiempo difícil para distinguirse del movimiento pop de una manera significativa. Blackbird Blackbird en, en todo caso, son compañeros de viaje de bandas Shoegaze y Chillout. "Summer Heart" es fácilmente agradable de escuchar, aunque a veces es un poco superficial. Sin embargo, el álbum nunca esta demasiado fuera de mi rotación regular de estos últimos años, no es es que lo haya estado apartado, pero solo ha sido que he vuelto con regularidad. Por lo tanto, es bueno saber que la banda ha cambiado su sonido, aunque sólo sea un poco, en su nuevo "Boracay Planet".
Un cambio en la discográfica, no necesariamente puede ser señal de un cambio de sonido de una banda. "Boracay Planet" sigue siendo agradable y con calma estática como siempre, pero los cambios son perceptibles. El inicio del álbum, "It's a War", con guitarras que son abiertamente conducción de la canción, hacia una influencia muy estilo New Romantic. Los componentes electrónicos están todavía allí, pero las voces tienen más reverberación y hay momentos en los que se podría confundir con bandas de sonidos parecidos y que tanto abundan y están de moda actualmente. Himnos, impulsados por sueños son los temas que inspiran en el trabajo de Blackbird Blackbird, donde las capas de textura electrónica van a través de sonidos orgánicos y voces fantasmales. Dentro de estructuras de canciones alargadas. Blackbird Blackbird aprovechan elementos temáticos de la dinámica y la composición para crear profundidad y complejidad, sin perder nunca de vista su sensibilidad Shoegaze.
Lo que es evidente, tanto como su disco debut como ahora con "Boracay Planet", son las probabilidades de que seguirán posiblemente siendo un tesoro sin descubrir para mucha gente por mucho tiempo.
Blackbird Blackbird's debut album, "Summer Heart" in 2010, was a work
not far from this time, as a relaxation of washing languid rhythms and
melancholy pop with dreamy clouds. Still, "Summer Heart" was not a bad debut, but also had a hard time to distinguish pop movement in a meaningful way. Blackbird Blackbird on, in any case, are fellow travelers of Shoegaze bands and Chillout. "Summer Heart" is easily nice to hear, but sometimes is a bit superficial. However,
the album is never too far out of my regular rotation in recent years,
is not that what has been away, but I've only been back regularly. Therefore, it is good to know that the band has changed their sound, if only a little, in his new "Boracay Planet".
A change in the record, may not necessarily signal a change in sound of a band. "Boracay Planet" is still nice and calm as ever static, but changes are noticeable. The beginning of the album, "It's a War", with guitars that are openly driving the song into a very influential New Romantic style. The electronics are still there, but the vocals have more reverb and there are times when it may be confused with similar sounds and bands that abound and are currently popular. Hymns, driven by dreams are the themes that inspire the work of Blackbird Blackbird, where layers of texture electronics go through organic sounds and ghostly voices. Within songs elongated structures. Blackbird Blackbird advantage thematic elements of the dynamics and composition to create depth and complexity, without losing sight of its sensitivity Shoegaze.
What is evident, as well as his debut album now "Boracay Planet" are the odds that are likely to remain an undiscovered treasure for many people for a long time.
A change in the record, may not necessarily signal a change in sound of a band. "Boracay Planet" is still nice and calm as ever static, but changes are noticeable. The beginning of the album, "It's a War", with guitars that are openly driving the song into a very influential New Romantic style. The electronics are still there, but the vocals have more reverb and there are times when it may be confused with similar sounds and bands that abound and are currently popular. Hymns, driven by dreams are the themes that inspire the work of Blackbird Blackbird, where layers of texture electronics go through organic sounds and ghostly voices. Within songs elongated structures. Blackbird Blackbird advantage thematic elements of the dynamics and composition to create depth and complexity, without losing sight of its sensitivity Shoegaze.
What is evident, as well as his debut album now "Boracay Planet" are the odds that are likely to remain an undiscovered treasure for many people for a long time.
Puntuación *7/10