Italians Do It Better
Antes de dar un paseo en la oscuridad sobre el disco de Chromatics, sentí que me preguntaba si no era este álbum demasiado largo para durar 90 minutos y a la vez sonar bien... Afortunadamente, una cosa no tiene que ver con la otra, al menos en este álbum. Cuando escuches el "Kill For Love" no dejes que te engañe la duración, es una obra maestra meticulosamente diseñada que combina indie-pop entusiasmado, la felicidad del sintetizador, y el miedo post-punk en un paquete que a la vez te enseña lecciones sobre el dolor, el éxtasis y el rock & roll.
Conocidos como los proveedores de la columna vertebral de la banda sonora de "Drive" en 2011, Chromatics aprovechan el sonido synthy, ambientes cambiantes, mediantes la incorporación de momentos destacados y pegadizos como la canción que da título al álbum. El álbum juega con la popularidad de un estilo el alza que hace que al escucharlo estes soñando mientras se mantiene una identidad propia, no como la mayoría de gente pueda pensar. La música de "Kill For Love" trabaja en la misma clase de forma que Explosions In The Sky hace. Se desvanece en el fondo mientras que al mismo tiempo hacen que los colores que nos rodean parezcan un poco más vivos, nos hacen sentir como si estuviéramos en un paisaje imaginario.Por supuesto, muchas de las canciones demuestran que todavía se puede hacer música de la vieja escuela. El producto final difumina el fondo y te ayuda a sentirte como si estuvieras viviendo en una película. Las canciones que dan señales emocionales en las películas a veces son necesarias. Y esto debería ser evidente. Si todavía no has visto la película Drive, qué mierda estás esperando? Deja de leer este Blog y ve a ver Drive! y luego escucha Kill For Love.
Before a walk in the dark about the Chromatics album, I felt I was wondering if this album was not too long for last 90 minutes while sounding good ... Fortunately, one thing has nothing to do with the other, at least on this album. When you hear the "Kill For Love" will not be fooled by the term, is a masterpiece that combines meticulously crafted indie-pop enthusiasm, happiness synth and post-punk fear in a package that also teaches you lessons about pain, ecstasy and rock & roll.
Providers known as the backbone of the soundtrack of "Drive" in 2011, Chromatics advantage synthy sound, changing environments, incorporating mediantes highlights and catchy as the title track to the album. The album plays on the popularity of a style that makes the hike to hear you are dreaming while maintaining its own identity, not as most people think. The music of "Kill For Love" works in the same sort of way as Explosions In The Sky does. It fades into the background while at the same time make the colors around us seem a little more alive, make us feel like we were in an imaginary landscape.
Of course, many of the songs show that you can still do old school music. The final product will blur the background and helps you feel like you're living in a movie. The songs that give emotional cues in movies are sometimes necessary. And this should be obvious. If you have not seen the movie Drive, what the hell are you waiting for? Stop reading this blog and go see Drive! and then listen Kill For Love.
Providers known as the backbone of the soundtrack of "Drive" in 2011, Chromatics advantage synthy sound, changing environments, incorporating mediantes highlights and catchy as the title track to the album. The album plays on the popularity of a style that makes the hike to hear you are dreaming while maintaining its own identity, not as most people think. The music of "Kill For Love" works in the same sort of way as Explosions In The Sky does. It fades into the background while at the same time make the colors around us seem a little more alive, make us feel like we were in an imaginary landscape.
Of course, many of the songs show that you can still do old school music. The final product will blur the background and helps you feel like you're living in a movie. The songs that give emotional cues in movies are sometimes necessary. And this should be obvious. If you have not seen the movie Drive, what the hell are you waiting for? Stop reading this blog and go see Drive! and then listen Kill For Love.
Puntuación *8/10