Warner Records
Jamas en la historia de la música rock un titulo y una portada de un disco nos decían tanto del contenido como en este caso. La música de Pantera es simplemente como un puñetazo. Una demostración de fuerza. La vida es maravillosa y es fantástico escuchar preciosas melodías pop y perderse en desarrollos psicodélicos… Pero en la vida real hay veces en la que has de sacar tu lado mas salvaje, poner los huevos sobre la mesa. Levantar tu voz, gritar y dar un paso adelante, en definitiva hacerte respetar.
En plena decadencia del glam metal rock por la irrupción del movimiento grunge apareció este disco. El anterior trabajo de la banda con Anselmo ya dejaba claro que el power metal dejaba paso a algo mas contundente pero nadie estaba preparado para esto!.
Recuerdo verlos en el Monster of Rock del 1992 donde casi nadie los conocía y arrasaron a todos y con todos!. Este disco cambio el mundo del metal para siempre. Baterias endiabladas, bajos tremebundos, guitarras de otro mundo y la potente voz de Phil por encima de todo.
Es increíble como 4 tipos logran sacar tanto jugo de sus instrumentos. Y el look de la banda fue otra cosa que marco a fuego a la comunidad metalera… podías llevar camisas de cuadros y bermudas y no ser un fan de Nirvana. Podias amar a KISS y no parecer un ser caduco. Por fin un guitarrista hacia solos y riffs con pelotas! El gran Dimebag Darrell era un guitar hero de verdad. Nada de solos miedosos grungeros ni riffs robados a Black Sabbath a 4 manos. Este tío parecía tener una sierra mecánica en vez de una guitarra. Junto con Tom Morello dos de los mas innovadores guitarristas de los últimos 30 años, sin duda.
La base rítmica es excelente, Rex lleva su bajo a otro nivel… llenando los huecos que dejan los otros con maestría. Si de algo puede avergonzarse la música de los 90 de Seattle es de sus limitados bajistas. La batería suena como si el Darrell mayor te estuviera golpeando las tripas con baquetas de acero. Y Phil creo una manera nueva de cantar, bueno de escupir rabia y sangre a raudales. ¿Los chicos del noroeste de los Estados Unidos estaban deprimidos ? Rabia, angustia y crisis existenciales son los motivos principales de las letras de Phil. Ni poesía Kafkiana, ni metáforas budistas. Este tío estaba jodido y te gritaba que si necesitaba reventarte los sesos para ser feliz … lo haría sin dudarlo.
Desde la inicial "Mouth for war" haste la ultima "Hollow" este disco es terroríficamente sublime, insuperable. A día de hoy sigo escuchándolo y logra sacar lo peor de mi pero logra a su vez hacerme sentir mejor, emocionarme, humillarme y hacerme crecer como ser humano… Sacaron mas discos algunos superiores a este "Far Beyond Driven" pero este fue la bomba que dinamito la dedada de los 90's. Gracias a dios por haber juntado a estos 4 genios y ponerlos en mi vida!.
Never in the history of rock music a title and an album cover told us both content in this case. Pantera's music is just like a punch. A show of force. Life is wonderful and it's great to hear beautiful pop melodies and psychedelic lost in development ... But in real life there are times where you have to pull out your wild side, laying eggs on the table. Raise your voice, shout and make a step forward, ultimately earn respect.
In decline of glam metal rock by the emergence of the grunge movement appeared this record. The band's previous work with Anselmo and made it clear that the power metal gave way to something more forceful but nobody was prepared for this!.
I remember seeing them in the Monster of Rock of 1992 where almost no one knew them and swept them all and all!. This album changed the metal world forever. Batteries devilish, low frightful, guitars and otherworldly voice Phil powerful above all.
It's amazing how 4 types achieve much juice out of their instruments. And the look of the band was nothing but a fire within the metal community ... you could wear plaid shirts and shorts and not be a fan of Nirvana. Love could not look KISS and a being outdated. Finally a guitarist to solos and riffs with balls! The great Dimebag Darrell was a real guitar hero. Nothing alone or fearful grungeros Black Sabbath riffs stolen 4 hands. This guy seemed to have a chainsaw instead of a guitar. Together with Tom Morello two of the most innovative guitarists of the past 30 years, no doubt.
The rhythm section is excellent, Rex takes on another level ... filling the gaps left by other masterfully. If something can be ashamed of the music of the 90 of Seattle is its limited downside. The drums sound as if you were hitting higher Darrell guts with steel rods. And Phil created a new way of singing, good anger and spitting blood in torrents. Do kids the northwestern United States were depressed? Anger, anxiety and existential crises are the main reasons for the lyrics of Phil. Neither poetry Kafkaesque or Buddhist metaphors. This guy was fucked and screaming that if needed you bust a brain to be happy ... I would without hesitation.From the initial "Mouth for War" haste the last "Hollow" this album is terrifyingly sublime, unsurpassed. Today I'm listening and gets out the worst in me but in turn does make me feel better, thrill me, humiliate me and make me grow as a human being ... They got some more records than this "Far Beyond Driven" but this was the bomb dedada dynamited the 90's. Thank God for having brought together these four geniuses and put them in my life.
In decline of glam metal rock by the emergence of the grunge movement appeared this record. The band's previous work with Anselmo and made it clear that the power metal gave way to something more forceful but nobody was prepared for this!.
I remember seeing them in the Monster of Rock of 1992 where almost no one knew them and swept them all and all!. This album changed the metal world forever. Batteries devilish, low frightful, guitars and otherworldly voice Phil powerful above all.
It's amazing how 4 types achieve much juice out of their instruments. And the look of the band was nothing but a fire within the metal community ... you could wear plaid shirts and shorts and not be a fan of Nirvana. Love could not look KISS and a being outdated. Finally a guitarist to solos and riffs with balls! The great Dimebag Darrell was a real guitar hero. Nothing alone or fearful grungeros Black Sabbath riffs stolen 4 hands. This guy seemed to have a chainsaw instead of a guitar. Together with Tom Morello two of the most innovative guitarists of the past 30 years, no doubt.
The rhythm section is excellent, Rex takes on another level ... filling the gaps left by other masterfully. If something can be ashamed of the music of the 90 of Seattle is its limited downside. The drums sound as if you were hitting higher Darrell guts with steel rods. And Phil created a new way of singing, good anger and spitting blood in torrents. Do kids the northwestern United States were depressed? Anger, anxiety and existential crises are the main reasons for the lyrics of Phil. Neither poetry Kafkaesque or Buddhist metaphors. This guy was fucked and screaming that if needed you bust a brain to be happy ... I would without hesitation.From the initial "Mouth for War" haste the last "Hollow" this album is terrifyingly sublime, unsurpassed. Today I'm listening and gets out the worst in me but in turn does make me feel better, thrill me, humiliate me and make me grow as a human being ... They got some more records than this "Far Beyond Driven" but this was the bomb dedada dynamited the 90's. Thank God for having brought together these four geniuses and put them in my life.
Puntuación *10/10