Una vez dijeron que les daba igual el nombre del grupo que eso era lo menos importante que lo realmente importante era la música que hacían. Cuando el líder de una banda dice eso a mi personalmente ya me ofrece toda su confianza. La banda liderada por Zachary Cole Smith
a pasado de ser una propuesta nueva a ser uno de los mejores discos del
2012 y eso les a llevado hacer numerosas giras por EE.UU acompañando a
Dum Dum Girls y a Wild Nothing.
El que fuera guitatarrista de la banda de Dream Pop "Beach Fossils" ha creado un disco que es imposible encasillar a que suenan. Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Post-Punk todo fusionado con una base ritmica de guitarras psicodélicas y sollozos que te susurran de vez en cuando. Muchisima atmósfera oscura que a veces puede recordar en exceso a The Cure o a Echo and the Bunnymen. El álbum se compone de 13 canciones evocadas hacernos sentir una ensoñación permanente de 40 minutos. El sonido no es novedoso y menos estos días por la avalancha de grupos con sonido revivals, pero ellos han sabido como diferenciarse combinando muchos estilos sin caer en la tentación de no sonar a ninguno en concreto. Temas instrumentales y algunos de voz que bien podrían enlazarse uno con otro y hacerse una canción solamente. Siempre parece que sea la misma canción bien hecha con la misma melodía recogida ante un sonido homogéneo de riffs y reverberaciones. "Doused" o "Air conditioning" son para mi los 2 grandes temas a destacar y mas poperos.
La psicodelia consiste siempre en hacer que algunas notas
disueltas en liquido naveguen entre tus pocas ideas y terminen de agonizar. Salvo cuando, en ocasiones, aquel ruido genera espasmos y
volatines en esas células confusas que a fuerza de querer escaparse
empiezan a funcionar.
Once they said they did not care the name of the group that was less important than what really mattered was the music making. When the leader of a band says that to me personally and offered me their trust. The band led by Zachary Cole Smith has gone from being a new proposal to be one of the best albums of 2012 and that led them to make numerous U.S. tours accompanying Dum Dum Girls and Wild Nothing.
The former band guitatarrista Dream Pop "Beach Fossils" has created a record that's impossible to pigeonhole sound. Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Post-Punk all merged into a rhythm of psychedelic guitars and sobbing whisper you occasionally. Lots of dark atmosphere that sometimes in excess can remember The Cure or Echo and the Bunnymen. The album consists of 13 songs make us feel a reverie evoked permanent 40 minutes. The sound is not new and less these days because of the avalanche of sound groups revivals, but they have been known as differentiated combining many styles without falling into the temptation not to any particular sound. Instrumentals and some voice that could well linked to each other and made a song only. There always seems to be the same song well done with the same melody to sound homogenous collection of riffs and reverberations. "Doused" or "Air conditioning" are for me the two big issues to highlight and more pop.
Psychedelia is always to make some notes dissolved in liquid sailing between your ideas and finish few agonizing. Except when sometimes the noise generated volatines spasms and confusing in those cells that escape will force begin to function.
The former band guitatarrista Dream Pop "Beach Fossils" has created a record that's impossible to pigeonhole sound. Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Post-Punk all merged into a rhythm of psychedelic guitars and sobbing whisper you occasionally. Lots of dark atmosphere that sometimes in excess can remember The Cure or Echo and the Bunnymen. The album consists of 13 songs make us feel a reverie evoked permanent 40 minutes. The sound is not new and less these days because of the avalanche of sound groups revivals, but they have been known as differentiated combining many styles without falling into the temptation not to any particular sound. Instrumentals and some voice that could well linked to each other and made a song only. There always seems to be the same song well done with the same melody to sound homogenous collection of riffs and reverberations. "Doused" or "Air conditioning" are for me the two big issues to highlight and more pop.
Psychedelia is always to make some notes dissolved in liquid sailing between your ideas and finish few agonizing. Except when sometimes the noise generated volatines spasms and confusing in those cells that escape will force begin to function.
Puntuación *8/10