El séptimo disco de Bob Dylan es un doble disco, el primero con lo que más tarde seria The Band. Debo confesar que siento debilidad por los discos dobles, "The Tommy", "The Wall", "Exile on Main St" o el "White álbum" por poner algunos ejemplos.
Este trabajo de Dylan es para muchos su mejor disco y uno de los mejores trabajos de la historia del rock, cosa que no discutiré. El disco se abre con la revoltosa "Rainy day women" y desde ese instante sabes que estas ante algo muy especial. Dylan ya ha abandonado el inmovilizo del folk para abrazar el ritmo bastardo de este, el Rock. Cientos de Bob Dylan viven en el interior de este doble vinilo. Es imposible escucharlo sin amarlo. Con canciones tan memorables como "i want you", "Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues again" o "Rainy day women". En este disco vemos como le sentó a Dylan su estancia en Nashville, como el mundo intelectual de New York abraza las raíces de la música americana. Es uno de esos discos que marcaran el devenir de la música, importante hasta en la portada. Un disco en el que no sobra ni una mísera coma. Poco se puede decir más sin quedarse corto. Unos músicos tocados por una varita mágica, en estado de gracia. Y en especial Dylan con unas letras más inspiradas que nunca cuentan que nada mas llegar a Nashville se paso 8 horas seguidas escribiendo. Al escucharlo aprecias lo grande que es Dylan. Y todo lo que el rock, el folk incluso el Rap le deben. Tiene un Oscar, y fue nominado al Nobel yo le daría el mundo. Nada tiene sentido si Dylan no escribió una canción sobre ello.
The seventh album of Bob Dylan is a double album, the first in what would later become The Band. I must confess I'm partial to the double disc, "The Tommy", "The Wall", "Exile on Main St" or the "White Album" to name a few.
This is Dylan's work for many their best album and one of the best jobs in the history of rock, which does not discuss. The album opens with the unruly "Rainy Day Women" and right away you know you are dealing with something very special. Dylan has already left the immobilized folk to embrace this bastard pace, the Rock. Hundreds of Bob Dylan live inside this double vinyl. It is impossible to listen without love. With such memorable songs as "I Want You", "Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again" or "Rainy Day Women". On this album we see Dylan as he sat at his stay in Nashville, as the intellectual world of New York embraces the roots of American music. It's one of those albums that will mark the future of music, important to the cover. A disk that does not spare even a paltry coma. Little can be said with no understatement. Some musicians touched by a magic wand, in a state of grace. And especially Dylan with lyrics more inspired than ever have anything more to get to Nashville is step 8 hours straight writing. Listening to appreciate how big it is Dylan. And all that rock, folk even rap owe. It has an Oscar, and was nominated for the Nobel I would give the world. Nothing makes sense if Dylan did not write a song about it.
This is Dylan's work for many their best album and one of the best jobs in the history of rock, which does not discuss. The album opens with the unruly "Rainy Day Women" and right away you know you are dealing with something very special. Dylan has already left the immobilized folk to embrace this bastard pace, the Rock. Hundreds of Bob Dylan live inside this double vinyl. It is impossible to listen without love. With such memorable songs as "I Want You", "Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again" or "Rainy Day Women". On this album we see Dylan as he sat at his stay in Nashville, as the intellectual world of New York embraces the roots of American music. It's one of those albums that will mark the future of music, important to the cover. A disk that does not spare even a paltry coma. Little can be said with no understatement. Some musicians touched by a magic wand, in a state of grace. And especially Dylan with lyrics more inspired than ever have anything more to get to Nashville is step 8 hours straight writing. Listening to appreciate how big it is Dylan. And all that rock, folk even rap owe. It has an Oscar, and was nominated for the Nobel I would give the world. Nothing makes sense if Dylan did not write a song about it.
Puntuación *10/10