En 1995 cuando todo mundo adoraba a Nirvana yo adoraba a Alice In Chains, cuando el Britpop estaba en su máximo apojeo y las disputas entre Blur y Oasis estaban al orden del día, yo me interesaba por Cast, así de peculiar y raro siempre he sido. Una banda que tuvo mucha importancia para el Britpop de la época, pero que aquí en España apenas tuvieron repercusión mediatica. Vendiendo más de un millón de copias de su debut "All Change" y anotando un montón de singles de éxito. La desaparición del Britpop llevó a Cast al ostracismo, intentando moverse en una dirección completamente diferente a lo que estaban acostumbrados hacer rompiendo su carrera con el álbum de 2001 "'Beetroot". El disco fue un desastre para la crítica y comercialmente, y el grupo se separó rápidamente después. Afortunadamente, en 2010 se volvieron a reunir un par de años después han sacado este "TroubledTimes" con un sonido que satisface nuevamente a los seguidores de Cast volviendo a lo que siempre hicieron, un sonido renovado y mucho más maduro pero con la misma esencia de antaño. Es como escuchar una secuela del "All Change" después de más de 15 años, en un mundo más oscuro y diferente. Gran parte de culpa de todo esto es del legendario productor John Leckie, el mismo que en 1995 les produjo el álbum debut.
"Troubled Times" tiene ciertamente un aire nuevo, suena fresco, las
guitarras suenan de manera positiva, y a la vez inconfundiblemente son marca de Cast. El
álbum a vuelto a ir de nuevo a mediados de los 90, pero en cambio las letras de las canciones se han quedado en la actualidad. Si lo que buscas es volver a recordar su sonido has dado en el clavo con este disco.
In 1995 when everyone loved Nirvana I adored Alice In Chains, when Britpop was at its peak apojeo and disputes between Blur and Oasis were the order of the day, I was interested by Cast and peculiar and rare always been . A band that was very important for the Britpop era, but here in Spain had little media coverage. Selling over a million copies of his debut "All Change" and scoring a lot of hit singles. The demise of Britpop Cast led to ostracism, trying to move in a direction completely different from what they were used to make breaking his career with the 2001 album "'Beetroot". The record was a disaster for the critically and commercially, and the group broke up soon after. Fortunately, in 2010 met again after a couple of years have brought this "TroubledTimes" with a sound that satisfies again Cast followers back to what I always did, a renewed sound and more mature but with the very essence of yesteryear. It's like listening to a sequel to the "All Change" after more than 15 years, in a world darker and different. Much of this is because of the legendary producer John Leckie, the same as in 1995 they produced the debut album.
"Troubled Times" certainly has a fresh, cool sounds, the guitars sound positively, yet are unmistakably mark Cast. The album has returned to go back to the mid-90s, but instead the lyrics have fallen today. If you are looking to recall their sound has nailed it with this album.
Puntuación *8/10
In 1995 when everyone loved Nirvana I adored Alice In Chains, when Britpop was at its peak apojeo and disputes between Blur and Oasis were the order of the day, I was interested by Cast and peculiar and rare always been . A band that was very important for the Britpop era, but here in Spain had little media coverage. Selling over a million copies of his debut "All Change" and scoring a lot of hit singles. The demise of Britpop Cast led to ostracism, trying to move in a direction completely different from what they were used to make breaking his career with the 2001 album "'Beetroot". The record was a disaster for the critically and commercially, and the group broke up soon after. Fortunately, in 2010 met again after a couple of years have brought this "TroubledTimes" with a sound that satisfies again Cast followers back to what I always did, a renewed sound and more mature but with the very essence of yesteryear. It's like listening to a sequel to the "All Change" after more than 15 years, in a world darker and different. Much of this is because of the legendary producer John Leckie, the same as in 1995 they produced the debut album.
"Troubled Times" certainly has a fresh, cool sounds, the guitars sound positively, yet are unmistakably mark Cast. The album has returned to go back to the mid-90s, but instead the lyrics have fallen today. If you are looking to recall their sound has nailed it with this album.
Puntuación *8/10